Being the biggest city in Indonesia and the largest in Southeast Asia, Jakarta really can surprise you. We decided to go there for a few days. When bought the tickets to Indonesia it was still quarantine time and we didn’t have many options. But now, when the time came, the quarantines for fully vaccinated are no longer needed, and there was a possibility to explore the city. I would also say, that flying through Jakarta is the cheapest option how to get to Bali. 🙂

Jakarta is a very religious city where Muslims prevail. And you can actually feel it – prayers can be heard many times per day around the city. We wanted to go to the biggest Mosque in Sautheast Asia (Istiqlal Mosque), but we didn’t have proper clothing and I suppose, only real Muslims can only go there. Back in India I remember going places like that and they give us something to hide the knees and shoulders, but here it was a strict no for us.

One more thing that always surprises me in Asia, is their driving style. Maybe even here in Indonesia, overall I would say it is pretty good, but still, you need to have some balls to drive here. And secound my favorite thing – food. Here eating in local places is very cheap and taste really good.
Denpasar, Bali
The first Bali stop is Denpasar, not staying in the city for a long time because I prefer more nature. But we still needed to do some basic things – take care of the sim card, rent a scooter for 2-3 months, and become more familiar with the culture. And last but not least – bargaining just everything. It took all day, to find a proper scooter for a reasonable price. Otherwise, for tourists, the prices are too crazy.