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French Alps

by MS
August 16, 2021
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Fais ce qui te semble bien

I have to admire it – the mountains are not the same everywhere. They change pretty impressively. Chamonix is the city where you can see Mount Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe. This city is the dream for hikers, climbers, skiers well actually just for anything. But it also is a very touristic city.

Le Brevent

Maybe we are a little bit tired of climbing mountains by ourselves or maybe it’s just the city’s influence. Don’t really know which responsibility it is, but we went up to the mountains by cable car. But sometimes it is also nice to experience things like that – just going up to 2525m high peak. There we took some light walk just to see how there is.


Imagine the river of ice that is moving slowly over land. It is just breathtaking to imagine that hundrets of years ago there was a massive ice road, and now every year, every day it’s a little bit melting.

Mer de Glace

Mount Blanc

Some day it needs to be done by myself for sure. This time we took the cable car to the highest possible peak – L’Aiguille du Midi. It’s crazy to imagine that cable car are going up to 3842m. Some are walking there 5-7 days and some going up in 30min. But this mountain stays in my heart like a promise, that one day I want to do it. We saw some people climbing up there through the snow, it just looked crazy. But good crazy.

some unknown climber who starts the jorney down
Mount Blanc in the back