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Island of the Gods

by MS
August 22, 2022
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Probably one of the most known cities in Bali. And it also comes with all the things that you can imagine – lots of restaurants, lots of tourists, and lots of scams. You have to be very careful when going to market. People, of course, want to earn money, so they put a price 10x more than it should be. Always try to go search for the prices around, don’t just stop in the first place. Despite all these things, Canggu is a great place to do surfing, yoga, or any other sports, you can really find there anything. And of course, the local food is very nice, you can find it by the name Warung and just take Mie Goreng. 🙂

I went to yoga every morning – Vinyasa flow and Hatha yoga. Changing the styles every day. I also prefer classes that least 1,5 hours. Otherwise, it feels un-done. This yoga place was perfect – surrounded by the rice terrace next to, open walls so the wind can come to your body, and with very good teachers. When doing yoga we need to challenge our body, but also listen to it. When it feels like it’s enough, then don’t push it to do the maximum. We need to grow, of course, but doing it step by step. And that is a wonderful thing – to realize how far we can go.

Bali Waterfalls

All you need to do is just drive around Bali and you can find various types of nature. There is this amazing coastline with the Bali sea, volcanos which we are not explored yet, and a mountain area with amazing waterfalls. So far have explored just a few of them, but they are so many here, that it’s crazy.

The first waterfalls where we went were in the Munduk area. Took the route “Mounduk waterfall trail” and hiked into the jungles for 2,5 hours. There were three waterfalls along the way, everyone so different but so magnificent. There is something so powerful about this natural wonder.

When water falls, it flies.

Mostly to the most popular waterfalls you can drive pretty close to. Of course, there will definitely be steps going down and then the same way up which usually takes around 15-20min to go to the bottom of the waterfall. One thing which I suggest to do always – to go there early, then it’s a big chance you will be there alone, or at least with a maximum of two more people. And here goes a few more waterfalls that we have explored so far: Leke Leke, Gitgit, and Banyumala waterfalls.